Despite the run-away success of outsourcing, anchored on some finely evolved principles, standards, and ethics, many of the organizations haven’t seen the rosy picture yet; some just boarded the bus, as they feared being left out; others, the happier ones have managed that big grin with aplomb.

The simple statement- “outsourcing saves money” may be fatal and can lure businesses into outsourcing without considering both the faces of the coin. It is like going for the honey ignorant or rather ill-prepared for the excruciating bee stings. However, businesses that plan for the risk and growth are always rewarded. The digest here is simple again —“Outsourcing saves money, but only if you get the deal right.”

This white paper researches ten decisive strings that need to be pulled and tuned to get what your stakeholders really wanted when they, after those long hours in the boardroom, decided to vote for outsourcing.

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